Do You Need Anti-Acne Blue Light Treatment In Your LED Mask?
The appeal of winding back the years with the Anti-ageing benefits of our LED Light Therapy
Mask, is a definite draw, however you may be surprised how useful the blue light Anti-acne treatment is as well, combined into our LED mask it's worth knowing if this treatment will be of benefit to you too.
If you ever get a few spots, pimples, blackheads or hormonal breakouts you will be impressed with the results you will see using the Anti-Acne treatment.
The mix of red and blue lights will treat acne causing bacteria lying underneath the skin as well as pimples and blackheads that appear on the surface of your skin. Proven to reduce inflammation and redness this combination of light therapy will treat skin flare up as they occur. Meanwhile you still get the regenerative aspects of the red light in each treatment.
As light therapy is non-invasive it is a really great way to treat skin conditions, it can be used in conjunction with other treatment or in replace of medicines or topical solutions that can dry, irritate, or damage your skin while also making you highly susceptible to sun damage.
Here are 3 types of people we think will benefit from the
Anti-acne treatment and how to incorporate into your regime:

1. You don't suffer from acne or major breakouts but sometimes you have:
a) Hormonal breakouts
b) Large pores, whiteheads or blackheads
You can use the anti-acne treatment as soon as you feel a new pimple or see the signs of a breakout. Or you can use one of the three treatments in the week to keep bacteria and inflammation at bay.

2. You do suffer from acne, inflammation, whiteheads and blackheads, including:
a) Major breakouts
b) Constant irritation
c) Constant infection, including hormonal, genetic or cystic acne
d) Have damaged skin, scarring or discolouration from previous breakouts
In testing, 40% of people saw a visible reduction in inflammatory acne when using the anti-acne blue and red light in the first month of treatment.
The non-invasive nature of the LED Mask makes it an effective treatment for skin conditions as it will not damage the skins barrier. Many topical medications will increase the sensitivity of the skin often leaving the skin dry, peeling and more sensitive to the effects of the sun. LED Therapy can also be used in conjunction with other medications to improve outcomes.
If you have any of the above skin concerns, we suggest using the Anti-acne treatment 3 times per week.
Note: we do not recommend use on severe acne, we recommend
you get advice from a medical practitioner.

3. You want to use the anti-ageing function, but someone else in your home suffers from acne
Let’s face it if you are looking for an anti-ageing product you may not be too young yourself, maybe you have a spotty teenager in your home.
The masks are ideal for sharing around the home, with just 10 minute sessions times a week there is more than enough time for everyone to have a turn. Just wipe clean with a damp cloth after use and it’s ready to be passed around the house.
In summary we think that the anti-acne treatment will benefit most people at different times, which is why we thought it was an important feature to include in our LED Light Mask.
The specific combination of light we use in our anti-acne treatment mixes both blue and red light in the one treatment, the red light will aid in healing, while the blue light has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effects. So, while you may only have specific areas you want to target with the blue light, you will still see benefits across your skin with through the anti-inflammatory treatment and the regenerating red light.

LED Light Therapy Mask